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Diesel Car Modified To Run On "Veggie Oil"
Dave Wetzel, Decatur, Ill., burns used french fry oil in his 1985 Volkswagen car, which is powered by a diesel engine. He collects the used vegetable oil from fast food places such as McDonalds, burning 8 to 10 gallons per week.
  His "McDiesel" car gets 40 mpg on the veggie oil.
  Wetzel modified the car to heat the oil to 160 degrees, which allows the unusual fuel to be used during summer and winter. He starts the car in normal fashion using conventional diesel fuel. Once the vegetable oil is heated up it automatically switches to veggie oil.
  He equipped the car's fuel tank with a coil of copper tubing and runs heated water from the engine through it. Once the fuel has been heated up to 160 degrees, a solenoid opens a valve, switching from diesel to 100% oil. The heated fuel is piped forward along a heated line. No modifications were made to the engine itself. Wetzel runs the oil through a cotton filter before fueling up.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave Wetzel, Decatur, Ill. (ph 217 423-7067).
Oil from a restaurant is filtered through a cotton filter (available from restaurant supply houses).Veggie oil tank in trunk is filled via PVC gooseneck. Oil is piped to rear tank and then forward after being heated to 160 degrees.

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #6