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Barrel Idea Helps Burn Trash Cleanly
L.D. Prebble of Dansville, Mich., recently contacted FARM SHOW to tell us about a simple idea he uses to burn trash inside barrels cleanly and efficiently.
  Prebble removed both ends of a 55-gal. drum. Then, he fastened four legs of welded 1/8-in. thick steel to the bottom rim with 1/4-in. bolts. The legs are 1 1/2 in. wide by 3 in. long which elevates the barrel about 2 in. off the ground, creating a chimney effect.
  "The big advantage is that the fire burns clean and is always under control," says Prebble, noting that you can get the same effect by setting a barrel on four bricks. "Even when it's windy, everything stays inside the barrel. Of course, one should burn only items that are environmentally safe to burn and allowed by state or county fire departments," he adds.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, L.D. Prebble, 537 Fields Road, Dansville, Mich. 48819 (ph 517 623-6908).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #4