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Two-Wheel Cart Stores Behind Pickup Seat
Chuck Woods is an avid hunter. But after three back surgeries he couldn't do any more heavy lifting. Rather than give up on his love of hunting he invented a cart that allows him to transport heavy game with minimal effort. What's more, the collapsible cart folds up into a package just 6 in. wide, small enough to fit behind the back of a pickup seat.
  Woods designed the "Neet Kart" with two in-line wheels so it could be used on deer paths in the woods and fit through narrow barn doors and gates. The big-wheeled cart easily climbs over logs and rocks without losing its cargo due to tie-down straps.
  Another advantage of the Neet Kart is that it can pick up a load using the cart itself, saving your back. You just lay the cart down next to the deer or other cargo, tie it on, and then grab the steel frame and lean back using your body weight to pull the cart onto its wheels.
  "What's amazing about it is that I don't have to lift a single pound. The weight of my body does all the lifting. I use tubular steel for the frame because I don't want my hunting to be limited by the amount of weight my cart can carry out," he says. The entire frame is welded completely together, not just in spots. "I even had a couple structural engineers look it over and give me approval," he says. It weighs only 32 lbs. because of its tubular steel construction and it folds up in less than five minutes.
  Woods' new cart is so strong that search and rescue units from around the state have expressed interest in using it for their operations. "The Neet Kart is versatile enough to hold packs, a stretcher, or any other equipment you can think of," Woods says.
  Neet Kart sells for $425.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chuck Woods, 5300 S. HWY. 2, Libby Mont. 59923 (ph 877 690-4170; neetseet@libby.org).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #5