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Hay Trailer Feeder
Loose hay isn't as popular as it once was, but I still use it in my cow-calf operation with the help of a trailer-feeder that I built out of a smaller commercial model. It measures 22 ft. long, 20 ft. wide, and 9 ft. high and rides on four wheels. When I bought the unit, it had two wheels on back and runners on front. It had no floor and was only 7 ft. wide. I wanted more capacity and greater mobility.
  I make Farmhand 10-ton loose hay stacks and use a front-end loader to load the trailer-feeder with about half of a stack. I move the unit out to pasture during the spring for our cows and also during the fall for calves. It also serves as a windbreak.
  The front end of the trailer has an automatic steering system borrowed from an old manure spreader. To make the floor, my son welded in some crossover braces. Then we laid a series of cables about 1 ft. apart from front to back. The cables slide lightly along the ground as the unit is pulled. (Gilbert Lang, 5323 38th Ave. S.E., Tappen, N. Dak. 58487 ph 701 754-2695)

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #5