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She Communicates With Animals
Sheila Ryan says she can make training horses and other animals easier by using her unusual ability to communicate with animals.
  Ryan grew up working with all kinds of animals and has always had a keen ability to understand their needs and emotions. Her ability to understand animal behavior "problems" and recommend solutions became so well known, people started coming to her with their problem animals.
  She has established a business called HorseSense to offer her services to animal owners and to train others in her methods.
  She says the mission of her company is to communicate with and help as many animals as possible. She frequently conducts seminars and also sells books and videos that detail her methods.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sheila Ryan, HorseSense, LLC, Box 176, Barrington, Rhode Island 02806 (ph 401 225-1955; email: sheila@ horsecom munications.com;website:www.horsecomm unications.com).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #6