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Plastic Pickup Liner Dumps 3,000 Lbs.
A new lightweight, plastic dump bed can be attached and removed easily by a single person, yet has a 3,000-lb. lifting capacity and rises up to a 60 degree angle.
    The Dump-Pro bed fits in any standard pickup and holds 58 cu. ft. It uses a 1.9-hp Warn Works 12-volt winch that raises and lowers the entire bed in 30 seconds. The bed liner is made out of a single piece of polyethylene plastic that will never rust or dent. Because the liner is seamless, it is completely watertight and can be used to haul corrosive materials without worrying about damage to the pickup.
    There are two different models of Dump-Pro liners: a bolt-on version and a quick-tach version. The bolt-on version is held in place with 6 to 8 bolts, while the quick-tach version can be removed by releasing two clamps and a bolt.
    The bolt-on Dump-Pro costs $2,497, or $2,696 fully assembled. The quick-tach version is an extra $299. Currently the Dump-Pro is available only for full size pickup beds, but a short bed version will be available soon.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Standard Hamilton Company, Inc., 1648 Taylor Rd. #514, Port Orange, Fla. 32128 (ph 866 438-6777 or 386 763-3333; fax 386 756-4444; website: www.dump-pro.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #1