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Tractor-Mounted Ladder
Refinishing decks and painting house painting are not fun jobs but Richard Bergman of Chippewa Falls, Wis., made those jobs a lot easier by mounting a ladder on back of his Steiner tractor.
  To attach the ladder, he ran a steel rod through the bottom rung and then through the lift arms on the tractor 3-pt. Then he ran a couple of support straps up to a rung about halfway up the ladder. The setup allows him to set the bottom of the ladder on the ground so the back of the tractor doesn't carry his weight.
  To pressure wash his house and deck, he strapped his hot water presssure washer into the Steiner's loader bucket, and ran the hose up to a hook on the ladder.
  "When I'm not using the ladder on the house I also use it to pick fruit," notes Bergman.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Bergman, 16201 120th Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. 54729 (ph 715 288-6031; email: rbergmancf@centurytel.net)

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2