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State-Of-The-Art Round Bale Feeder
A patented new bale feeder from Common Sense Mfg. is made out of 2-in. sq. tubing and is designed with a curved bale saddle that holds two bales. It mounts on a pair of curved skids and can be moved by a front-end loader. The curved bale saddle design allows calves to get under the bale far enough to get to the center of the bale. It also keeps calves from climbing into the feeder and getting stuck or hurt.
  "By bringing the bale up off the ground and letting the calf get farther under it, she can reach all the way to the center of the bale and get all the hay out of the feeder," says Kelly Melius of Common Sense Mfg. "Other feeders on the market keep the bale off the ground and are designed with a trough underneath it to save hay. The problem is the trough keeps the calf from being able to reach the middle of bale.
  "Another advantage of my design is that a full grown cow can only get in so far until her front shoulders can't get beyond the curved part of the feeder. As a result, she can't step on most of the hay that falls out of the feeder. Any hay on the ground is therefore more likely to get eaten."
  A 2-bale feeder sells for $600. Custom made models that hold 3 or 4 bales are also available.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Common Sense Mfg., 16008 357th Ave., Faulkton, S. Dak. 57438 (ph 605 598-4157 or 605 216-0687; email: commonsense@westtelco.com; website: www.balefeeder.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2