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Texas Fence Fixer Back On Market
The Texas Fence Fixer is back on the market after nearly a 10-year absence due to distribution problems. Inventor Ken Evans, a Seguin, Texas, area rancher is again selling the once popular farm tool, first introduced in 1982.
  "We sold thousands of Texas Fence Fixers over the years," says Evans. "We've had lots of requests for them since we stopped, and now we can respond."
  Popularity of the Texas Fence Fixer is easy to understand if you've ever had to tighten fence. Taking the slack out usually means detaching the wire from all the posts on a stretch, pulling it tight and then reattaching. Evans' idea was to devise a way to tighten shorter stretches, taking the slack out of the fence as you went along. Since a loose barb or wire is often the result of a critter forcing its body through or a branch falling on it, the slack often occurs in only a limited area.
  The Texas Fence Fixer consists of two steel arms hinged on one end with jaw slots part way down the arms. A chain attached to one arm has links long enough to slip over the other arm's end and catch in a notch on its handle.
  To tighten a wire with the tool, the Fixer is spread wide to catch as much slack wire as possible between the jaw slots. When the two arms are pulled together, a loop of loose wire forms.
  "Just lay a short length of spare wire across the face of the tool and wrap about 7 to 10 inches around the wire at either side of the arms," explains Evans. "Get at least two full wraps on either side."
  The next step is to insert a fence pliers or other tool into the loop and twist it tight around the spare wire. Once the loop is tight, the tool can be removed from the wire.
  "You can make the repair in a minute without loosening staples or tie wires," says Evans. "If the wire is still a little slack, just go down the fence a few yards and tighten it again."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Texas Fence Fixer, P.O. Box 510, Seguin, Texas 78156 (ph 830 379-7344 or toll free: 866 882-2896; website: www.texasfencefixer.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #5