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Double Rake Hitch
"I needed something that would do a better, faster job of turning swathed hay into windrows," says Duane Marvin, Preston, Iowa.
  "I purchased a used Hesston 1024 hydra swing frame for $200, then lengthened it and added drawbars to pull a left-hand rake and a right hand rake at the same time. This enables me to put two swaths together into a single windrow for my Deere 567 round baler.
  "With two left hand rakes on the frame you could put two swaths into two single windrows if you wanted to.
  "This home-built implement does a better job of turning over swathed hay and it also narrows up for transport by use of hydraulic cylinders."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Duane Marvin, 5643 û 421 Avenue, Preston, Iowa 52069 (ph 563 689-6131).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #5