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Remote Control Cooler
"I've had to lug my cooler full of drinks and ice around softball fields for far too long," says Dan Ewert, Shakopee Minn., who finally went to his shop and came up with what he calls his remote-controlled cooler "solution."
    He cut holes in a 50-qt. cooler for the wheels and put in a drive motor and steering system inside using parts from hardware and hobby stores.
    He bought a remote control kit that came with a transmitter, receiver, and two servo motors for steering and forward/reverse control. The drive motor is just a standard DC gear motor.
    Ewert says he enjoys others' reaction to the cooler. "When it moves it startles them a little. Then they grin and start to look around to see who is controlling it," he says.
    Although not on the market, Ewert is getting a patent.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dan Ewert, 1457 Homestead St., Shakopee, Minn. 55379 (ph 952 496-1489; email: d_ewert@msn.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #5