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Silage Equipment Merry-Go-Round
Greg Kinsey of Boones Mill, Virginia, had fun making his merry-go-round and his kids have had fun using it.
  He started with the 10-ft. dia. outer metal ring from an old silo unloader (the part at the top of an upright silo that dispenses silage down the chute). To make a base for it to turn on, he took a wheel from a silage wagon (rubber tire and all), and cut out the center of the rim before welding it to the big ring from the silo unloader. Six or seven sections of 2-in. steel tubing, welded like spokes, serve as the floor support frame which he covered with plywood from some old concrete forms.
  For the center pipe, Kinsey used a 5-ft. section of 6-in. dia. well pipe. He welded on eight support pipes from center over to the outer edge of the silo ring.
  "I painted it Deere green and yellow with the center pipe swirled like a barber's pole," he says. "It looks kind of neat when it's turning. I had 20 to 30 kids here for a birthday party one time and all of them were on there at one time. It was packed full and worked great."
  Kinsey says the nice part about the project was that every piece of it came out of the junk pile. All he bought was the paint. He says it took him 20 to 25 hours to build the unit.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Greg Kinsey, 3850 Retreat Rd., Boones Mill, Va. 24065 (ph 540 334-1937).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3