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He Sells Ranch Land By The Inch
It took 42 years for Peter Aparicio to put his idea into action, but now that he has, you can own your own Texas ranch for only $24.95. It's not much money, but then, it's not much land. You only get one square inch.
  "I was working a very quiet midnight shift as an air controller when I figured out that there are 6 million square inches in an acre and that people might be willing to buy ranch land by the inch just for the fun of it," recalls Aparicio. "The idea lay dormant until I retired last year."
  He began selling the square inch ranchettes at the end of 2003. One customer gave a ranch to a relative in New Jersey. Several have bought them for children living in Texas.
  What buyers get is a certificate that entitles you to be known as a Texas rancher and a legal deed (unregistered) to a square inch of land in Jim Wells County about 100 miles south of San Antonio. Buyers can choose to register their deeds at the county courthouse, but it will cost them $15, and they will have to pay taxes on it. If unregistered, Aparacio pays the taxes and maintains the land.
  "I think the certificate is the biggest draw," he says. "The cost is less than a carton of cigarettes, so I tell people to quit smoking and buy a few ranches."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Peter Aparicio, Texas Legend Ranches, P.O. Box 3621, Victoria, Texas 77903-3621 (ph 866 972-6237; website: www.texaslegendranches.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3