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Dust Helmet Solves Allergy Problems
Hog producer Bruce Elliott says his Airstream AS 400 Dust Helmet works so well it has allowed him to keep on working in pork production with his brother, Roger.

    They were puzzled when Bruce suddenly developed a severe allergy to hogs.

    "I had been working around hogs for more than 20 years, when suddenly I developed a strange patch on one hand," says Bruce. "I went to Dr. Howard Beedy, an allergist in Decatur, Ill. His treatment worked for a while, but then the symptoms came back. I had the problem treated again, but several weeks later the same symptoms returned.

    "We decided the problem was due to either a dust or a mold. And while the treatments worked, they were expensive and time consuming.

    "Meanwhile, I had seen this air helmet at a farm show where it was said to help when working in dusty conditions around the farm. It has been on the market for some 30 years, so I bought one. When wearing it, I don't have any trouble working with hogs. It's a lot cheaper than allergy treatments, and I don't have to put those drugs in my system."

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger and Bruce Elliott, 19478 North 400 St., Montrose, Ill. 62445 (ph 217 924-4350) or Mike Nelson, Airware America, 20219 240th St., Elbow Lake, Minn. 56531 (ph 800 328-1792; website: www.airwareamerica.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #6