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Cheaterjack Drops Trees Fast, Easy
"I had a job where I had to knock down 300 pine trees. In order to be profitable, I had to find a way to get them down quick and where I wanted them," says Lee Collis, a self described "tree surgeon" who came up with what he calls a "Cheaterjack."
  "It's basically a screw jack with a tip that digs into the tree and a base that grabs the ground. A 10-ft. long jack pushes the two apart," he says. It pushes out 3 ft. with an amazing 15,000 lbs of force.
  The Cheaterjack is made of steel and aluminum and weighs less than 50 lbs. It comes with a DVD that illustrates how it works.
  To use, you put the Cheaterjack in place, notch the tree, then crank the jack to push the tree over. He can push over 30 trees in an hour compared to four or five an hour using conventional methods.
  "It's just so different, that when someone sees it, they want one," he says.
  Sells for $775.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cheaterjack, 1931 Sunset Trail, Alva, Fla. 33920 (ph 239 728-8733 or 239 340-3024; email: cheaterjack@earthlink.net; website: www.cheaterjack.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #6