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Bicycle Built For Two
Fourteen-year-old Cole Booth of Randolph, N.Y., loves to build things. One of his recent projects is a bicycle built for two that cost him just $5.
  Since he got the older 20-in.bikes for free from a repair shop, Booth's only expense was the welding.
  "I widened the front forks on the back bike, then welded them to the back wheel of the front bike," he explains. "It's a bit hard to get used to because the back bike swings around. But I rode it in a couple parades and got a lot of attention from it."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cole Booth, 88 Jamestown St., Randolph, New York 14772 (ph 716 358-2102).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #6