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Carrier Makes Log Hauling Easy
Anyone who burns firewood knows it can be hard work hauling wood, but Ron Fogg of Aurora, Colorado took a lot of the effort out of it when he built a handy cart to help with the job.
  Fogg's upright carrier is based on the furniture dolly concept, with two 4-in. pneumatic wheels on a 3/4-in. axle in the back, but it has a basket built onto the front that holds 50 to 70 standard fireplace sized logs.
  "The whole unit is made with 1-in. sq. tubing that's 1/8 in. thick. Ron's son, Vance, (who's in the photos) painted the whole thing, and it looks and works great," says Fogg. "It's 5 ft. tall, 14 in. wide, and the basket is 2 ft. 6 in. deep. The wheel base is 18 in. from the center of one tire to the other."
  "It moves easily in deep snow or on rough terrain where there's a lot of debris."
  Fogg says anyone who's interested in his invention is welcome to call him. He may consider custom building them or selling the plans.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ron Fogg, 845 Nome St., Aurora, Colo. 80010 (ph 303 884-5430).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #6