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Leveraged Hand Cart Moves Heavy Load
Last summer Don Engbrecht and his wife Betty constructed paths in their flower gardens using natural granite fieldstone. To do the job, they used a manual-operated rock lifter and mover that Don built.
  The two-wheeled hand cart is equipped with a long handle with a chain and hook at one end. To raise the rock, the operator simply pushes down on the handle.
  "We live in a stone house which is now almost 100 years old," says Don. "When we bought our property, it also had a two-story house on the other half section. It was demolished in the 1970's and the rocks were all saved for future use. Now almost 30 years later we're using these big rocks, some of which weigh 300 lbs. or more, to line both sides of the path. We filled the path itself with gravel . Without our hand cart, we never could have done this project."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don and Betty Engbrecht, Anchorage Acres, Box 697, Boissevain, Manitoba, Canada R0K 0E0 (ph 204 534-2567).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #6