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Can You Use A Sede-Dump Trailer?
If you haul a lot of big loads, you may be interested in this side-dump trailer that empties out either side.
"It's just the ticket for stockpiling sugar beets or potatoes," says Greg Smith, president of SmithCo Manufacturing. "It dumps fast - it'll even dump on-the-go. There isn't another trailer quite like it on the market."
The trailer handles loads of up to 34.3 cu. yds., emptying in a second or two out either side. "Side-dumping is safer than dumping out the back - especially on in-clines. What's more, there's never an endgate to leak or clean around," says Smith.
Trailers are custom-built and available with several options, such as roll-over tarp and steel or aluminum fenders. Prices start at $28,850.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, SmithCo Manufacturing, 30902 C38, LeMars, Iowa 51031 (ph 800 779-8099 or 712 944-5475).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #4