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Deere Garden Tractor Specialists
Jim Lundell recently called to tell us about his family's growing business. He and his sons, Brad and Brian, who farm near Kiron, Iowa, buy and sell used garden tractors and parts. They ship parts to buyers all over the U.S. and Canada.
  "We can supply used parts for just about any Deere garden tractor made up through the mid 1980's," says Jim. "As far as I know, no one else offers parts for these tractors on the scale that we do. We have about 100 garden tractors on hand which we use for parts. We buy a lot of tractors from dealers and also at auctions. It's surprising how many people are still using old 1970's Deere lawn tractors. It's because these tractors were built so well that they don't wear out."
  Lundell says people often come to them after learning that their Deere dealer doesn't have the parts they need, or that the parts are too expensive. "For example, someone from Maryland recently called who had a 400 model built in the late 1970's. He needed two side panels and a grill for it. We happened to have a good used grill at a fraction of the cost that Deere wanted.
  "The most parts in demand might be gas tanks and mower decks. We also sell a lot of engines, flywheels, blocks, steering columns, steering wheels, side panels, transaxles, hydrostat parts and even complete hydrostats," says Jim.
  The Lundells recently converted their barn into a garden tractor parts store. "We remodeled the entire upstairs and installed parts bins and shelves along the walls. We bought the parts bins from local dealers who were going out of business."
  The Lundells also collect and restore garden tractors. Their goal is to restore one tractor from every farm machinery line. But it's the Deeres they're most interested in. Their specialty is Deere's Patio Series (Vol. 25, No. 2).
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lundell Tractor, 6583 310th St., Kiron, Iowa 51448 (ph 712 675-4339 or 712 675-4341; fax 712 675-4301; email: bl4440@schallertel.net; website: www.weekendfreedom

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #3