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Bucket-Mounted Tractor Lights
"I use them all the time - I can't believe how well they work," says Jim Kaczmarek, who installed a row of lights on a front-end loader bucket.
  "I can tilt the bucket up or down to shine the light exactly where it's needed. For example, when I tilt the bucket down to dump dirt, the lights shine right on the dumping area. Even if a tractor has good lights, I think bucket-mounted lights would work much better because they automatically tilt up and down with the bucket."
  Kaczmarek mounted four 65-watt sealed beam lights along the top edge of the bucket. He drilled holes in the bucket to mount the light. The wiring for the lights runs through a length of square tubing just above the lights. The lights operate off the tractor's battery and are turned on or off by a pair of switches mounted on the tractor dash.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim's Repair, 16330 Goodwin Ave., Hastings, Minn. 55033 (ph 800 618-8738 or 651 437-7199; email: jimsrepairjimstractors.com or bkacz@jimsrepairjimstractors.com).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #3