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Hat Collection Reaches 54,386
When we first met Buckey Legried, back in 1997, his cap collection was already among the world's largest at 24,000. He has since expanded the collection to an incredible 54,386 caps, which makes it by far the largest in the world.
    According to a recent report in Minnesota Farm Guide (www.minnesotafarmguide. com), Legried has about 2,000 caps on display in his garage and basement. The rest are in storage, 24 caps per box or about 2,000 boxes.
    He has caps from Brazil, Denmark, Japan, Korea, Norway, China, Sweden and Venezuela, and many other countries. He has at least one John Deere cap from each state and all of the Canadian provinces except New Foundland. It's not easy to keep up with new Deere caps, says Legried. "Deere comes out with a new cap design many times throughout the year. They have so many different lines of equipment and operate in so many areas of the world that I don't even try to keep track of every new cap they come out with."
    Legried keeps many of his caps on display in his basement, which has shelves on both sides. One side has nothing but Deere caps. The other side has caps with the Deere dealer's name, town and state. Other caps are stored in two 48-ft. semi-trailers.
    "A lot of people know about my collection and I still get phone calls from people who want to give me caps," says Legried. He recently sent in his application to Guinness World Records for the world's largest cap collection."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Buckey Legried, 45394 20th St., Frost, Minn. 56033 (ph 507 878-3315; fax 507 878-3125).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #3