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Simple, Trouble-Free Gate Latch
"Our new self-latching winch-type gate closer mounts on top of any post, safely away from livestock. It works better than anything else on the market," says Dale Anderson, E-Z Irrigation, Wray, Colo.
  The Gate Tite consists of steel plumber's tape straps that are welded to a winching device and wrap around the main post, where they're nailed in place. A loop of cable that's attached to winch pipe is dropped over the gate post. Turning the handle on the winch pipe wraps the cable onto the winch pipe and tightens the gate at the same time. High gate tension can be applied with very little effort. An over-centering ratchet locks the cable in place. The device can also be padlocked to discourage trespassing.
  "The plumber's tape has multiple holes in it so you can choose whatever holes you want to nail through, depending on the post size," says Anderson. "The Gate Tite can be used on either side of the main post, which is useful in case there are braces on the back side of the main post. Another benefit of the top mounting is that you can easily open the gate from either side of the fence."
  Sells for $30 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, E-Z Irrigation, 30400 Hwy. 34, Wray, Colo. 80758 (ph 970 332-4114).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #3