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"Made It Myself" Motor Bike
Retired welder Hiram Wilson wanted a motorized bike but he didn't want to spend a lot of money on one. So he just built his own.
  Wilson bought a bike, took the back wheel off and put a 3 1/2 hp rope-start motor with a chain drive on top of the hand-crafted platform that holds a new 8-in. tire with sprocket. The motorbike has a throttle, choke, and centrifugal clutch along with front and rear brakes.
  He suspects it could run at speeds up to 40 mph. "I got it up to 25 mph one time but it still wanted to go," he says, laughing.
  Wilson made his motorized bike for about $165.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hiram W. Wilson 315 Bonnaridge Dr., Hermitage, Tenn. 37076 (ph 615 883-1177).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #3