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Crazy 76-ft Wide Free-Floating Harrow
Oscillating, free-floating harrows work well in heavy trash conditions but there hasn't been a unit available in a width of more than 30 ft. because of transport problems with the hard-to-fold units. Now Victory Equipment Ltd., Lethbridge, Alta., has broken the width barrier with their folding "Crazy Harrow" available in widths up to 76 ft.
Crazy Harrows are available in widths from 32 to 76 ft., all equipped with vibrating triangular sections tied to a heavy 6 by 6-in. toolbar.
"Unlike other oscillating harrows, the vibrating sections on this machine are driven by hydraulic-driven cranks rather than wheel-driven cranks so they can be regulated independently of the ground speed. This allows the operator to travel at high speeds without wearing out the equipment," says Ray Dyken,president of Victory Equipment.
Each triangular section is 10 ft. wide in front with a smaller section in the middle. Another smaller section sits between each pair of sections pointing toward the front. All are connected by chains to orbit motor driven cranks that shake the sections as they move over the ground.
"They'll handle a tremendous amount of trash without plugging and are good at spreading straw," says Dyken.
The 32-ft., 54-ft. and 76-ft. models have 3, 5 and 7 sections respectively. The 32-ft. model sells for $6,950 (Canadian).
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Victory Equipment Ltd., 920 2nd Ave. N., Lethbridge, Alta. T1H 0L3 (ph 403 327-4389).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #1