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Look What They're Doing With Old School Buses Hog Hauler
"We've used this bus just about every day hauling hogs to market," reports Bob Fitzsimmons, Good Thunder, Minn., about his modified 1974, 72 passenger bus.
A key advantage of using the bus to haul hogs, says Fitzsimmons, is that it keeps his grain truck free and clean.
"All we did," explains Fitzsimmons, who along with his sons made the modifications, "is put pipes along the windows, take out the passenger seats and block the driver's seat from the hogs with a plywood divider. It's important to seal off the driver's area to keep the windows from fogging."
Fitzsimmons hauls 50, 220 lb. hogs in the bus at once. Two hinged gates in the middle of the bus swing together, dividing the bus into 2 pens. He uses straw on the floor to keep the hogs dry and plans on putting on a slip resistant paint, mixed with chicken grit, to make the floor less slippery.
For ventilation, he opens the windows in the summer and keeps them closed during the winter. A 5 ft. tall endgate made of 3 in. plywood mounted on metal reels replaces the rear emergency door. Other modifications include removing the special lights, and painting the bus gray.
Fitzsimmons paid $1,500 for the bus and has another $500 in modifications. He did keep the same tires and shocks.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Fitzsimmons, Box 28, Good Thunder, Minn. 56027 (ph 507 278-3464).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #2