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Farm-Tested Manure-Proof Boots
Besides operating a shoe store, Ken Knapp of Listowel, Ontario also runs a cattle farm, so he knows first-hand how hard manure is on work boots. That's why he's especially excited about a hot new Canadian-made "manure-proof" boot.
  The "Royer Manure Proof Boot" is made by Quebec company L.P. Royer, (www.lproyer.com) who specializes in work shoes and safety footwear.
   Before deciding to become a dealer and distributor dealer for the boots, Knapp carried out his own tests.
  His friend, Andrew Mitchell, started wearing the boots for his daily farm work that involves fattening 400 steers, feeding pigs, and working at a stockyard.
  "His boots are in manure most of the day, so he was an ideal person to test these Royer boots," Knapp explains. "Previously, he couldn't get a pair of boots to last six months, but he's been wearing the Royer Manure Boots for 14 straight months now, and they're still going strong."
  As a boot dealer, Knapp says 90 percent of his sales are to farmers. Most people get anywhere from three to six months - and at the most a year - out of a set of new boots, according to Knapp. So, Mitchell's experience with Royer boots has both men convinced that the new boots are truly unique.
   The company originally designed them for aluminum factory workers, to protect their feet from caustic acid.  
  Royer Boots have a water and manure-proof leather upper that happens to be an "ugly Royal blue," according to Knapp, who points out that the boot's performance is far more important than the color.
  "The chemical used by the factory to make them manure-proof is what changes the leather to that color," Knapp explains. "I've decided to use the odd color as a catchy advertising slogan: Royer Blue is for you."
  These special farm boots also have a newly designed type of sole called "Xpan." It has very little tread so it won't pick up manure and track it around. At the same time, it's extremely slip resistant because it's made from 100 percent rubber. It's also ideal for walking on ice, he says.
  With the new manure boots fresh out of the factory, Knapp filled his long list of pre-orders in early November. However, he's still got another 52 people on a waiting list until February when the next batch comes.
  The Royer Manure Proof Boot comes with either a 6-in. or 8-in. high upper. Both models have steel toe end plates.
  Currently, the boots are priced at $250 (Can.) per pair.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Knapp's Shoes and Clothing, Ken Knapp, 165 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel, Ont., Canada N4W 1K8 (ph 519 291-4750; fax 519 291-5319; knapps@porchlight.ca; www.knapps.ca) .

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #1