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Made-It-Myself Gator
"It was my first project after retiring from teaching high school shop for 30 years," says Gary Parsch, Hope, Mich., about the lawn tractor he turned into a "gator".
    He bought a 16 hp White lawn tractor for $50 from a former student. It wouldn't start and the mower deck was shot. "It just needed some tender loving care," he says.
    Parsch stripped off the mower deck and sheet metal parts and used the rear rack from a 4-wheeler to support the steering wheel. He moved the gas tank and battery and added linkage, allowing easy access to the hydrostatic transmission lever. Parsch also switched the foot brake into a hand lever. "It can be locked in case I want to get off the machine while it's running."
    He made a 42 by 36-in. wooden cargo box that's 12 in. deep. The tailgate is hinged on the bottom like a pickup bed and the sides come off for use as a flatbed hauler. The box can also be manually tipped up to about 80 degrees.
    Parsch says the hardest part was getting the steering right because with his weight on the front wheels, it needed to be geared down to work smoothly.     
    "I used the front and back sprocket and chain from a dirt bike to gear it down," he says. "I mounted each sprocket on two of the old mower blade bearing housings so it works smoothly.
    "When I made it at first, my wife said it was Frankenstein because I was creating it from spare parts. Then, it just ended up being called ęThe Beast.'
    "My intention was for her to drive it because it had an electric start - but she really didn't want anything to do with it," he says, laughing.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gary Parsch, 5276 N. Dublin Rd., Hope, Mich. 48628 (ph 989 689-5719).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #1