Ground Driven Windrow Inverted
New ground-driven windrow inverter is equipped with a rotating "fork" that keeps hay moving on a rotating turn table for positive crop flow, says LM Products, Cold Spring, Minn.
The "Rotoverter" is completely ground-driven with no belts or gears. One wheel drives the pickup while another wheel friction-drives the turn table and is mounted directly under it. The rotating fork mounted above the table supports four arms equipped with tines that turn with the table. The forks raise up out of the way when hay reaches the table's discharge chute.
"The forks keep hay from backing up on the table and deliver it in a continuous flow that drops upside down onto the ground," says Larry Ackerson
To activate the inverter, the operator pulls a lever that drops the table down on the rubber ground-drive wheel. "Unlike other ground-driven windrow inverters, ours has no belts or gears," says Ackerson. "Sells for $3,895 which is $800 to $1,000 less than comparable models."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LM Products, Box 452, Cold Spring, Minn. 56320 (ph 612 685-8672).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #1