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His "Retirement Plan" Tastes Good
In these days of workers sweating out the security of their company retirement plans, Art Duvall decided to take matters into his own hands. His "retirement plan" is right where he can see it. Best of of all, it keeps the weeds down.
  In his 70's, Duvall has 170 acres near Pana, Ill., 104 of which is in pasture and hay. He has 64 acres in CRP. He has a herd of 212 Boer goats which he says are easy to take care of and sell like hotcakes.
  Duvall retired from a large glass company and set up a small farm and butchering business in Maryland. He did a land swap to end up in Illinois and started building his herd of goats after realizing there was a strong market for them. Meat goats, especially the Boer breed, have been catching on across the country, with strong demand from immigrants, Muslims, and Jews. Young goats bring in $70 to $90 a head and he sells about 100 head a year. He holds back breeding animals to keep building up his herd.
  Duvall says the goats are easy to care for, and easier to handle than cattle. And the income is steady, a nice bonus during his retirement years. He protects the flock with three Great Pyrenees dogs that run with the goats and keep away predators.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arthur Duvall, 700 North 400 East, Pana, Ill. 62557 (ph 217 539-4516).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #4