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Disc Mower Caddy Saves Power, Hassle
"Hooking up a 3-pt. hitch disc mower takes time and adds stress to the job," explains Jack Vassar of The Vassar Company about his 2-wheeled caddy for disc mowers. "Our caddy makes it easier on the operator, the tractor and the mower."
Once a disc mower is mounted to the caddy, future hookups are a one-pin affair. Back up, slip in the hitch pin, hook up the pto and hydraulics and drive away. The caddy has an adjustable top link and an adjustable front hitch for leveling the mower.
"When you have a 3-pt. mounted mower hanging on a tractor, it is easy to overload the tractor," notes Vassar. "You may need a bigger tractor just to carry the mower. With our caddy, you won't need as big a tractor, so you use less horsepower and fuel."
The caddy also makes it easier on the mower, extending blade life. With a short-coupled tractor, the 3-pt. hitch mower is always raising and lowering as the front end of the tractor goes up and down over bumps or ridges. Fall too far, and the blades dig into the dirt; rise too high and you leave crops in the field.
"With the caddy, the mower isn't affected by the tractor," says Vassar. "You can drive a little faster and mow smoother."
The caddy is priced at $2,950 for hydraulic-equipped disc mowers or $3,250 with the addition of a hydraulic cylinder for manual disk mowers. Both units are fully adjustable to match a wide variety of disc mower types.
"We can mount them all," says Vassar. "We had a guy come up from Texas with his mower and had us fit it as he was afraid it wouldn't fit. When he saw how it worked, he called his dealer and ordered two."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Vassar Company, P.O. Box 609, Perkins, Okla. 74059 (ph 405 547-2454 or 877 229-8049; fax 405 547-2929; www.vassarfarm equip.com).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #4