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More On Wooden Motorcycles
We got a lot of feedback on that photo of a wooden motorcycle in our last issue. The photo has been floating around the internet for a while.
  After chasing down a bunch of leads, here's our conclusion: The bike was built in Germany but we still haven't found anyone who knows exactly who built it. One website that features home-built bikes said the cycle in question has a 25 hp Honda engine but had no other information.
  We found a similar wooden bike that was built by a pair of Germans named Marko Buschner and Mario Pillath. It took the men about 250 man hours to build the cycle, which measures 6 ft. long and 4 ft. wide. The frame is made from 4 by 4's. It's powered by a 150 cc engine with a top speed of about 45 mph. You can read more at Marko's website: www.holz-bleibt-holz.de.

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #5