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Easy Way To Keep Fence Lines Tight
Darryl and Debbie McNair came up with this method to keep a barbed wire fence tight on their Hanna, Okla., ranch.
  Just take a length of steel tubing and drill a hole for each fence wire. Then weld a large chain link to the end of a 12-in. piece of 3/8-in. all-thread rod. Run the barb wire through the link and insert the other end through the steel tubing and attach a nut. Stretch the wire as tight as possible and tie it off. As the wire sags over time, use a ratchet to tighten the wires. Do this on each end of the fence line to pull evenly on the wire.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Darryl and Debbie McNair, R.R.1, Box 87, Hanna, Okla. 74845 (ph 918 657-2609).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #5