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Kit Solves No-Till Drill Seal Problem
After a two years of use, a farmer-designed seal kit appears to be a good fix for a problem which has plagued owners of Deere 1850 Air Seeders produced from 1996 to 1998 and the Deere 750 No-Till Drills produced from 1991 to 1998.
  Quentin Larson of Pollock, S. Dak., invented the seal kit to use on the drills' closing wheels. Larson had become frustrated by having to replace seals and bearings on the closing wheels every 1,500 acres.
  By working with a local machinist, he created a prototype seal, then he field-tested it himself for over a year on more than 8,000 acres.
  The prototype held up perfectly, so Larson formed a partnership with neighbors Ken and Arlene Odde called "Pollock Retrofix, Inc." They began marketing the pre-assembled seal kits last year.
  The partners say feedback from customers over the past year has been excellent. It has also allowed them to learn that really worn spindles will result in the seals not fitting as tight as they should.
  "We tell drill owners they should first have the spindles built back up for best results," Larson says. "Most of our sales have been to customers in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana."
  The kit (which includes a seal and a bushing) sells for $30, including shipping and handling. Replacement seals for the kits are $6.50 each.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pollock Retrofix, Inc., 11157 S. Dak., Hwy. 1804, Pollock, S. Dak. 57648 (ph 605 889-2827; pretrofix@valleytel.net).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #5