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Foot Throttle Kit For ATV's
"Our new foot throttle kit for ATVs eliminates thumb fatigue, and also frees up your right hand for other uses like operating a hand gun sprayer while driving," says Arlen Mickelsen, Superior Industries, Superior, Neb.
  The kit consists of an L-shaped metal bracket that bolts onto the ATV frame. A cable runs under the machine and up to the handlebars to hook onto the factory thumb throttle.
  "It allows you to operate the throttle with your foot or thumb, whichever you choose, at any time," says Mickelsen. "You don't have to use your hand all the time in order to accelerate. However, you can still accelerate with your hand if you want. Customers tell us they really like it for spraying because they're able to maintain a constant speed without their thumb getting tired. They can go all day long using a foot throttle whereas with a thumb throttle, they might be able to last only an hour or so before needing a break.
  "The foot throttle is adjustable up and down to fit the height of your shoe. You just loosen two screws on a metal clamp that fastens onto a small tube on the back side of the ATV's front fender. Loosening the clamp allows you to slide the foot throttle up or down the tube. It lets you set the pedal at the height you want so your foot doesn't get tired."  
  The mounting kit and components sell for $249 to $289 plus S&H depending on ATV model. "We can custom design the kit to fit all popular 4-wheeler ATV's," notes Mickelsen.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Superior Industries, LLC, 1135 E. 3rd St., Superior, Neb. 68978 (ph 800 333-5161 or 402 879-4786; fax 402 879-4787; sopc@alltel. net).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #6