2006 - Volume #30, Issue #6, Page #11
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"Seed Meter" Rate Scale
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"This costs farmers money through over or underseeding," says David Berckes of Berckes Mfg. He has a new application rate scale that makes it easy to know precisely the amount of seed being applied per acre before finishing the entire field. He says other scales that have been on the market in the past were much more expensive, more complicated, and less accurate.
The "Seeder Meter" is non-electric and measures pounds per acre of any seed. "It's extremely accurate due to high sensitivity in the normal seeding range of 0 to 250 lbs. per acre," says Berckes. He also makes a Fertilizer Density scale.
Sells for $45 plus $5 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Berckes, Berckes Mfg., 2731 190th St., Canby, Minn. 56220 (ph 800 2309-4964; berckes@frontiernet.net; www.agscale.com).

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