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Low-Cost Cab
"I used 1-in. steel tubing, sheet metal and plexiglass to build a cab for my Kubota B5200 4-WD, 13 hp tractor. It keeps me warm during the winter, and I can easily remove all the doors and windows to stay cool during summer," says Glenn Dawson, McConnelsville, Ohio.
  The cab sides and roof are made from sheet metal. There are doors on both sides and large plexiglass windows on all four sides. The doors are removed by pulling a pair of hinge pins, while the windows are removed by loosening some bolts and clamps.
  The back side of the cab bolts to the tractor's rollover bar, while the front side of the cab bolts to the floorboard. A piece of canvas hangs down from the back side to keep cold air out.
  "I really like it," says Dawson. "I use the tractor for mowing and for clearing snow off my 400-ft. long driveway. The fan on the tractor's water-cooled engine provides heat. It stays warm enough inside the cab to melt the snow off my boots. During winter I cover both sides of the tractor with canvas housing, and I also cover the grille on both sides with duct tape to direct heat toward the cab."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glenn Dawson, 398 E. Fred Mummey Rd., McConnelsville, Ohio 43756 (ph 740 962-5463).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #6