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Gooseneck Adapter For Tractor 3-Pt
You'll like this gooseneck hitch adapter for tractor 3-pts. that lets you use a tractor in place of a pickup to pull big trailers.
The adapter comes with a 2 5/16-in. ball but can also accomodate a 1 7/8 or 2-in. ball or a pin hitch for pulling bumper hitch trailers.
"Works good for hauling hay bales. You can use your tractor to load bales in the field and also unload them in the yard, eliminating the need for a pickup. It also lets you use your tractor to pull a gooseneck water trailer in off-road conditions when spraying, or pull a gooseneck bunk feeder with a hydraulic unloading auger," says Gerald Johnson, manufacturer.
Sells for $290.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Johnson Mfg., Inc., Kulm, N. Dak. 58456 (ph 800 874-5600 or 701 647-2331).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2