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Textured Roller Gives Concrete The "Look Of Salt"
Pressing rock salt into freshly laid concrete and washing it away later with a pressure washer is an attractive way to leave a rough finish on concrete. However, you have to be quick to get the crystals in, and washing it away is time consuming.
  Zieger, an Arizona contractor, developed a Salt Roller that has nubs which leave a similar impression to rock salt. Besides being faster than scattering and pressing in the rock salt, the roller leaves a uniform impression over the entire surface.
  Simply adjusting the pressure on the roller adjusts the depth of the impressions. The impressions are also more rounded and open at the top than rock salt depressions. That may be one reason users in northern states haven't reported any problems with freeze up and spalling or breakup of the surface.
  Zieger's company, Simple Solutions, sells a 7-in. roller for $110 and a 15-in. roller for $185, or a set of the two for $260.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Simple Solutions, P.O. Box 8197, Chandler, Arizona 85246 (ph 877 725-8765; www. saltrollers. com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #2