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Combine Add-Ons Chops Up Green Bean Straw
Jeff Legner, who farms and also operates a welding shop near Odell, Ill., recently sent photos of a new add-on "stripper knife" he builds for the rotors on International Harvester 40, 60, and 80 series combines. It's designed to chop up wads of green bean straw at the back of the combine.
  "I got the idea because our IH 1680 combine isn't equipped with a chopper. As a result, if the bean straw is green the combine throws big wads out the back. My add-on stripper knives chop up those wads into small pieces. They bolt in between the cage and keystock crate. The holes are slotted making the knives easy to adjust."
  There are three stripper knives, one for each keystock crate, which is a metal plate with four sharp knives at the end. The knives are 3/4 in. long and are spaced between the notches on the notch separator rotor bars.
  "The stripper knives are designed to work in all 40, 60, and 80 series combines," says Legner, who notes that he also rebuilds concaves, cylinder bars and corn head stock rolls.
  A set of three stripper knives sells for $300 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jay Legner, 26731 N. 2100 East Road, Odell, Ill. 60460 (ph 815 998-2579 or 815 822-7173).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #2