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World's Largest Supplier Of Small Quantity Metal
Metal Supermarkets, 170 Wilkinson Rd., Unit 18, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6T 4Z5 ph 866 867-9344 or 905 459-0466; www.metalsupermarkets.com: If you need metal bars, plate, or sheet metal, you'll be interested in this company. It claims to be the world's largest supplier of small quantity metal and says it can provide one stop shopping for all your small metal requirements. It has a network of more than 80 stores worldwide.

    The company serves metal shops, fabricators, machine shops, hobbyists, artists, company maintenance departments, or anyone else who needs various pieces of metal. Unlike traditional shops, they're able to fill small orders. They cut metal to the customer's specifications and don't require minimum order sizes. If customers want they can have the metal cut to size while they wait.

    The company website lists metal guide quick links for a wide range of metals, including cold finished steel, hot rolled steel bars, alloy bars, structural steel, steel tube and pipe, sheet steel, steel plate, aluminum, stainless steel, brass and copper, specialty products. You can use the website to request a quote and to find the store nearest to you.


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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #2