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Start Your Own Canine Massage Business
If you like dogs and live near an area where people don't mind spending money on their pets, you might want to check out the canine massage program at Equissage, Round Hill, Virginia.
  "A muscle is a muscle regardless of whether it's a human, horse or dog," says Dee Schreiber, who started the business, Equissage, in 1989 with his wife, Mary, a certified massage therapist. They started out working with horses. About four years ago they added a program for dogs. Mary created a home study program with books, video and audiotapes. Clients take tests after each of the six lessons and a 100-question final exam. For certification they submit a video of themselves giving a dog a complete massage. Clients can submit as many tapes as necessary to pass.
  Clients take an average of eight weeks from the time they start the course until they submit the final video, Schreiber says. The course teaches basic physiology and location of major muscles and muscle groups in dogs. It also teaches how to handle different breeds.
  The course has been popular with people who have working dogs, such as sled dogs or racing dogs, Schreiber says, as well as people who want to set up a business. Some people just learn the massage to care for their own pets.
  "Massage helps to build up muscles surrounding arthritic joints," Schreiber says, adding that it also increases circulation, reduces muscle spasms, relieves tension, enhances muscle tone, promotes healing and increases range of motion in all breeds of dogs.
  Introduce yourself to your local veterinarian, he suggests, if you're interested in starting a business. The vet may refer you to his clients.
  Depending on where you live, fees for canine massage range from $40 to $70 per session, Schreiber says. Complete massages average 45 minutes.
  Cost of the Equissage Canine Massage Therapy course is $495 for materials and certification.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dee and Mary Schreiber, Equissage, P.O. Box 447, Round Hill, Virginia 20142 (ph 800 843-0224; info@equissage.com; www.equissage.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #4