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Amazing Mini Tree Grows Full-Size Lemons And Limes
When Fergie's Nursery in Tifton, Georgia, introduced the Cocktail Tree in November 2006, it created a stir from customers all over the world. The tiny tree grows lemons and limes on one tree. When customers receive their trees, they usually have buds and fruit already.
    "It's a tree that actually pays for itself," says Nelson Malcom, a third generation owner of the 60-year-old family business, who works with his father at Fergie's. "They are everbearing so they produce year æround."
    As a horticulturist, Malcom grafts rootstock to develop new varieties. The Cocktail Tree is rated cold hardy, he says, able to survive at 10 degrees for 10 hours. It can be planted outside in Zones 7 to 12 and up, as well as in coastal areas up to Delaware. In colder climates the tree is kept in a container and moved inside near a sunny window in the winter. Malcom says his brother-in-law in northern Minnesota kept a tree in a sun porch last winter and enjoyed fruit all winter long. Planted in a 10-gal. container, the tree grows to about 5 ft. in 18 months.
    The key to bearing fruit is proper fertilization. The Cocktail tree requires a specific mix of minor elements (12-6-6, iron, zinc and copper) and regular watering.
    "This is an area of the nursery that is just exploding," Malcom says, noting that customers from all over the world have ordered Cocktail Trees. One recently was sent to Cheers Bar in Athens, Greece.
    At $29.95 (plus shipping), the trees are very reasonably priced, Malcom says. The Cocktail Tree comes in two varieties. One has Meyer lemons and Persian limes, like those found in the grocery stores. The other has Meyer lemons and Key limes, which are the size of golf balls and perfect for using in cocktails.
    Malcom says the fruit is good; the lemons are almost sweet. It takes about 13 weeks from the time buds form until the fruit is completely ripe.
    He adds that if people order a Cocktail Tree and mention FARM SHOW, he'll send free fertilizer for a year.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nelson Malcom, Fergie's Nursery, 1811 Hwy. 41 North, Tifton, Georgia 31794 (ph 229 821-6806;thenurseryguy@gmail.com; www.fergiesnursery.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #4