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Rear-Unload Trailer Makes Firewood Handling Easy
An old 6 by 12-ft. wood trailer that doesn't look like much is now a nifty rear-unloading wood-hauler, thanks to the work of Arnold Wurm, Kingsley, Mich.
  A wood panel pushes wood chunks off the back of the trailer, which has 3-ft. sides. The panel bolts to a pair of L-shaped metal brackets that connect to 3/8-in. dia. steel cables. The cables wrap around a 2-in. dia. pipe at the back of the wagon. The operator can start or stop the pull-back panel at any time by flipping a switch on an electric motor, which belt-drive the winches.
  "I take the trailer to the woodlot and cut up wood into 18 to 24-in. lengths. Once I'm back home I stand at the back of the trailer and load the wood onto a nearby pile. The panel comes back at only about 2 ft. per minute, but that's fast enough to keep two people busy piling wood," says Wurm.
  "When the panel reaches the back end of the trailer, I climb into the trailer and pull the panel to the front of the trailer, which is then ready to be loaded with wood again. The trailer holds about 2 3/4 face cords of wood. Before I modified the trailer I had to keep climbing up into the trailer.
  "It works better than a dump box, because I can slowly bring wood back instead of having to dump it all out at one time. If the wood's coming back too fast, I can shut the winch off," notes Wurm.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arnold Wurm, 8220 Hannah Rd., Kingsley, Mich. 49649 (ph 231 263-5528).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2