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Weighted Covers Protect Bunker Silos Without Tires
No tires are needed for covering a bunker silo with the new Secure Cover. Lay down the plastic sheet, but instead of covering it with tires, roll out the durable woven mesh blanket.
"When wind goes over a plastic covered silage pile, it lifts the plastic the way an airplane wing lifts," explains Jim Kautz, Bag Man LLC, U.S. distributor for Secure Cover. "In England where it was developed, the Secure Cover is used over landfills to capture methane gas. It breaks 70 to 80 mph gusts coming off the North Atlantic."
The Secure Cover mesh is made from virgin high-density polyethylene. Guaranteed against UV breakdown for seven years, Kautz expects it is recyclable when it does need to be replaced.
Meanwhile, it's the tires that can be recycled, suggests Kautz. "The Secure Cover eliminates all the problems that come with tires, from mosquitoes in the summer to wire in the feed when one goes through the TMR," he says. "It also takes a lot less labor."
Secure Covers come in 26-ft. widths at a variety of lengths. Kautz prices it at 32ó/square ft. For wider piles, two or more widths can be laid side by side and tied together with zip ties. To hold them down on the edges, 3-ft. 8-in. diameter bags can be filled with gravel, zip tied shut and laid end to end.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bag Man LLC, P.O. Box 162, Hammond, Wis. 54015 (ph 715 796-5333 or toll free 800 796-5333; www.afsbagman.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2