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"Stand And Plant" Garden Tool
"Our new handheld planter will plant your tomatoes, peppers, and other small plants with ease while standing up," says Fran Olliver about the "Stand 'n Plant" garden tool he invented so he doesn't have to bend over when planting.

    It's made from a 2 3/4-in. dia. metal tube. To operate you simply drop the plant down the tube, poke it into the ground, squeeze the opening lever, and pull the tube from the ground and your plant is planted. "One person can easily plant hundreds of plants per hour while standing up," says Olliver. "It lets you plant into prepared seedbeds, either through plastic or on bare ground."

    A metal cable connected to a lever opens and closes the tip. The planter will also plant potatoes and large bulbs.

    Sells for $79.99 plus $16 S&H.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fran Olliver, Stand 'n Plant, 95 Rose Road, Saltsburg, Penn. 15681 (ph 724 639-3965 or 724 349-5167; franalope@yahoo.com; www.standnplant.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #2