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New Telescoping Planter Marker
Latest innovation in planter markers is the "Telemark" which telescopes to half it's original length ù eliminating the fold of conventional markers and allowing you to plant about 16 in. closer to fence rows, trees, poles and other obstacles in the field.
The new-style marker, manufactured by jet Marketing, Belgrade, Neb., bolts on in place of your regular marker and is in two sections which telescope, one inside the other.
A hydraulic cylinder raises and lowers the marker. When the marker is raised, the outer section (with the marker disk on it) gravity falls half of its outstretched length. As you lower the marker, a cable and pulley system extends the telescoping arm back out to its full length.
"We feel the marker will be popular with Cyclo planter owners to replace the light marker that came with them. We can fit most 4 to 12 row planters and also many drills," says the manufacturer.
A set of markers for a 6 row wide planter sells for right at $440, which includes cylinders. Retrofits for Cyclo planters are cheaper since some parts of the original marker can be used on the Telemark.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jet Marketing, Terry Twiestmeyer, Rt. 1, Box 34, Belgrade, Neb. 68623 (ph 308 357-1186).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #1