Fast Way To Unload Bins
"I installed a grain slide door in the side of a grain bin to feed an 8-in. truck loading auger. Lets me load a semi in 30 min.," says Wayne Ladage, Virden, Ill.
"You should only use the idea on bins that are 7 rings or less and you should take the first load out with the bin auger to avoid getting too much weight on the back side of the bin," cautions Ladage.
The open door lets grain dump out faster and with less damage than with a bin unloader. "You can buy sliding doors at any farm supply store for less than $20. You just bolt the door in place and then open it up and cut out the hole with a torch.
"It eliminates climbing into the bin to dig down to the door to get the sweep auger into the bin. I also like not having to be in the bin while the auger is running," says Ladage.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wayne Ladage, Rt. 1, Box C54, Virden, Ill. 62690.

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #2