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Turn Your Hand Sprayer Into A Wick Wiper
You can turn any hand pump sprayer into a precision wiper for use with Roundup or other non-selective herbicides by fitting this new "Weed Razer" onto the end of it.
  "It works like a wick wiper and lets you kill only the weeds you want without damage to the surrounding plants," says inventor Travis Steglich, Bartlett, Texas. "There's no spray drift to harm other plants. It's a lot cheaper than buying a wick wiper."
  The Weed Razer measures 3 in. long and is made entirely of foam. It slips over the end of any spray wand and is held on with zip ties. To saturate the foam you simply depress the trigger on the spray wand. You adjust the foam's saturation level by how long you depress the trigger.
  "It lets you wipe only the weed to be controlled with no overspray," says Steglich. "I came up with the idea because I needed a way to control nutsedge, dallisgrass and other hard-to-kill annuals, as well as perennial weeds in my landscape without damaging the surrounding plants.
  "When you want to spray larger areas, just remove the Weed Razer from the wand."
  Sells for $5.40 plus S&H. Five zip ties are included.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steglich Feed & Farm Supply, Inc., 142 S. Dalton, Bartlett, Texas 76511 (ph 800 281-8304 or 254 527-4433; travis@steglich.net; www.weedrazer.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #2