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Build Your Own No-Till Drill
Now you can convert your conventional double disc grain drill ù or chisel plow ù into a no-till drill.

Acra-Plant, of Garden City, Kan., makes it easy, thanks to just-introduced "Acra-Place" modules which are tailor-made for planting small grain, soybeans and other crops directly into undisturbed stubble, stalks or other heavy-trash with precision accuracy.

"We think conventional drills equipped with our modules will run circles around factory-made no-till drills now on the market," says Bill Ahlers, sales manager. He cites the following key features:

• They're equipped with 15 in. dia. notched discs which penetrate heavy trash, turn continuously and are self-cleaning, even in sticky soils, without requiring scrapers. Coupled with double down pressure springs,they chew their way through heavy crop residue, and penetrate hard soil, with ease.

•The disc blades are offset so one blade runs slightly ahead of the other, providing a minimum of soil deflection at high field speeds, and clearing a path for the special Acra-Tuff insert.

•This insert wedges a V-slice in moist soil 3/8 in. below the cut of the disc, directly in front of the seed tube, assuring maximum soil-to-seed contact for early emergence and better stands.

Ahlers notes that each module is mounted independently with parallel linkage, permitting 8 in. of vertical opener travel. Modules come in a choice of row widths down to 7 in. and are currently available for Great Plains, Tye, Crust Buster, Marliss and Versatile (Noble) drills. Modules for Deere, International and other drills will be available soon, says Ahlers.

New "Acra-Trac" modules also are available on swivel mounts for converting air seeders or chisel plows into no-till or minimum-till drills. "We supply the swivel modules, leaving the farmer free to rig up his own system for getting seed to the chisel-mounted modules. He may elect to go with a conventional grainbox and gravity system, or with an air system," Ahlers points out.

Cost of the modules is $16 per row for conventional drills, and $528 for air seeders and chisel plows.

For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Acra-Plant Sales, P.O. Box 1114, Graden City, Kan. 67846 (ph toll free 1-800-835-9190; in Kansas call 1-800 742-9542).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6